Sunday, August 19, 2007

SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007)

The third installment in the Spider-Man series holds up to the fanfare of the franchise. Toby Maguire is Spider-Man. Kirsten Dunst is also great as MJ, Peter/Spider-Man's girlfriend.

Spider-Man 3 is action packed from start to finish. This time an alien lifeform latches onto Spider-Man and changes his personality. I would equate this to Superman being on red kriptonite. After Spider-Man gets the alien out of him, a rival co-worker in infected and he teams up with the Sandman. The Sandman just happens to be the one who killed Peter's Uncle in the original Spider-Man. As if Spider-Man doesn't have enough to worry about, his best friend and son of the Green Goblin is out to seek revenge for his father's death.

A superb movie that is just as satisfying as the first!

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